May 28, 2012

Mining in El Salvador and Guatemala

I have mentioned a couple times already in my blog posts about the complexities and consequences of mining in El Salvador and Guatemala. This past week I came across a couple different articles that I would like to share with my friends and family, because I think it is important to stay informed about these issues!

The first is a petition from Oxfam America, to the US government to support the El Salvadoran government, in the lawsuit that Canadian mining company Pacific Rim has against them.

"In El Salvador, communities are fighting for their right to decide how companies can use their lands. Many of them have made a decision: they don’t want the metal mining industry to continue to destroy the environment they live and farm in. And they’re paying the price - each day, community leaders and activists face threats of violence and death because they're standing up to metal mining companies.What's making this fight even harder? Right now, Canadian mining company Pacific Rim is trying to force El Salvador to keep metal mines in business by suing El Salvador for $77 million under the US-Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA). This case could not only cost El Salvador a significant portion of its GDP, but it could prevent citizens from deciding which industries develop in their country.
A win for El Salvador in this case means that El Salvador could choose to stop metal mining - for good. The US government’s support for El Salvador over Pacific Rim in this case has been crucial. That’s where you come in. Will you help us make sure the US supports El Salvador in this case? Tell Secretary of State Clinton: Support the people of El Salvador."
Although the petition is for the US government, Canadians can sign it too! So please click on this link to read a blog article about this petition, and then sign if you wish!
The Oxfam America website has a bunch of other interesting articles and videos about mining in El Salvador and Guatemala, and other countries, if you are interested in learning more about this issue.
Also, this is an article about a Goldcorp mine in Guatemala.
Thank you for taking the time to read these articles, and becoming informed about what is happening to our neighbours in Central America!

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